Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dessert // Angel Food Cake

It's my favorite spring dessert---Angel Food Cake. I've only made it once, but that's because Whole Foods or Costco sells such delicious ones. I really oughta make it again though, just for fun.

We had this for Easter dessert and it's an easy and light way to end a meal.

I really love how angel food cake is super easy to make look pretty. Taking a big slice of angel food cake and with a scoop of strawberries and a large dollop of whipped cream it is presentable and delicious. Nothing tricky to it.


  1. ahh this sounds perfect right now!

  2. i made angel food cake yesterday for my sister's bday! same wavelength. id never made and couldnt believe it called for a DOZEN egg whites. fun and easy to make though!
