Monday, July 23, 2012

marathon training

 Picture 13
I am training for my first full marathon right now---St. George October 6th! I'm in my 8th week of training using Hal Higdon's training guide.  So far I've been really happy with the training and getting used to running so many miles at a time. I ran a half-marathon in 2008 which I loved, but I've never ran more than 13.1 miles at one time. I've enjoyed Ragnar and Dirty Dashes the past few years, but decided to just DO IT and signed up for St. George. I was thrilled I got in.  Riding on that high I also signed up for the Big Cottonwood half marathon in September (two weeks before my full). Pray my knees survive.
 With my long runs on Saturday's there a few things I am dependent on and couldn't run with out:

Are you a long distance runner? What are your tips and tools?


  1. jane i just signed up for a half in october too!! i need the arm band thing to hold my phone. i can never use my app when i run cause its so annoying holding it with my hand AHH i need that thing asap. cool bout the waterbottle hand holder thing too. i need this stuff. im a ghetto runner i guess haha i just use what i have. but it seems to be working!

    1. oh lisa...over dramatic.

      good luck on this! that is so exciting. i was training for a half marathon and got a really bad IT band injury that put me out. haven't been able to get back in swing of running since cuz the LA heat got me down. i need to jump start that again.

  2. You lucky girl getting in St. George! I'll actually be running the Cottonwood Marathon (my first full marathon) too! When I go on my long runs I need my hat, sunscreen, water belt (might be trying out a handheld water bottle too), clif shots, nuun electrolyte tabs, my garmin, and a group of talkative friends to get me through. Good idea about listening to the Mormon channel, I'll have to try that when I end up running on my own! Hope you're enjoying your training!
