Saturday, September 1, 2012

feeding myself

A couple thoughts here...
I saw this on facebook from Cookus Interruptus and I loved it. There is application to a lot of foods we eat and is one of my strong beliefs---eating REAL food. I'm not perfect at it all the time, but it's something I consider as I grocery shop, and when I'm picking a place to eat, or planning a meal. What am I eating? Is it processed? What is it made of? Where is it coming from?

Picture 2
Also from Cookus Interruptus is a book by Cynthia Lair that is coming out in a few weeks. I'd really like to read it and I love the topic. The author is a Health and Nutrition Counselor and Professor at Bastyr University. She wrote the cookbook "Feeding the Whole Family" which I have blogged about before and some favorite recipes are from that book.
I'm going to quote what she said about her new book....
"Practice is only part of a winning sports strategy. Whole foods have to be part of the playbook to increase energy, endurance, and focus, both on and off the field. What to eat and when to eat, pre-game, during and afterwards? How much fluid do you need to be hydrated? What to eat when you’re on the road? These are critical answers to have for young athletes, competing on a demanding schedule and eating on the run."
So cool right?! As I'm training for a marathon this fall I have nutrition on my mind and how to feed myself before and after runs. Even without the marathon training I never quite know if I am feeding myself the right way when it comes to being an athlete.
Is this a subject that interests you? How do you feed yourself when you are being active?


  1. My favorite is vanilla greek yogurt and grape nuts. Breakfast. anytime snack. Post work out refuel....basically, I eat this anytime anywhere. But I TOTALLY agree with you (think you already know from our college living days), but eating the real deal is so important. I'm a HUGE fan of real butter. lol especially salted butter. On rolls?? or breadsticks???? Forget about it. That one kills me.

    I can't wait for you to run a marathon! It is still a goal of mine, but as of late, I'm either making a baby or taking care of a baby with very little time in between for working out. But, I am definitely looking forward to working out and getting back into shape after this babe comes. It is so exhausting not being able to work out without feeling like you're going to fall over or completely pass out because you can't breathe.

    Love you Jane...

  2. Again, I love your passion for eating and living's contagious. I am a sugar machine. When I realized how much I was eating it sort of blew my mind. I know when I eat whole foods, I feel better, I am more motivated to exercise, I sleep better and I have more energy/less grumpy while I'm teaching. Creating whole food meals also satisfies my need to create...because I'm actually creating a meal, not just opening one from a box. This is sort of cheesy, but I am learning to love myself and body more as I try to make better choices about what I'm consuming.

    PS you are going to rock this marathon!!

  3. fun i like this, looks like a great book! i usually eat whole wheat toast with an egg on it before long runs. and protein powder with milk after. and try to eat healthy meals for my mainc ourses. and if i snack i try to with a protein bar or fiber one bar. man i wish i had your skills though and knowledge. you are my inspiration!

  4. Well thanks for introducing me to Cookus Interruptus! I just spend the last 30 minutes browsing their blog. Holy smokes. So much nutritional info. I love it. And I just love you.

    I love to snack on Oikos Vanilla Greek Yogurt with a little bit of granola on top. If there is no yogurt to be found, I can get by with a handful of Golden Grahams. I'm slowly transitioning. :)

    Win that marathon, girl!
